Whether dental coverage is worth having is a question we are frequently asked. Our answer: It depends. When dental coverage is offered…
Today’s featured video answers a Frequently Asked Question: Should I use a Drug Manufacturer’s Coupon? Please watch the video at…
Today we launch our figurative Wall of Shame category of videos. Given the high level of dysfunction in healthcare,…
Today’s video provides our tips for effectively communicating with your insurance company. No one enjoys communicating with their,…
Although we think flexible spending accounts are rather dumb and have become more so over the years due to their limitations,…
Today we report on an annoying trend we’ve seen clients experience more frequently of late. In fact, two of us at Healthcare Navigation…
Most Americans understand our healthcare system is fragmented. It can also be rather irrational and today, we want to focus on a single…
In case you missed the Opinion Piece in the May 18 – 19, 2024, Wall Street Journal, “Can a State Stop Abortion Travel,” it is worth…
A question we are often asked is why original Medicare doesn’t cover routine dental and vision services. Honestly, when a vision…
Please note that since our video and copy was first distributed, Serial Productions and the New York Times were honored with a Peabody…