A question we are often asked is why original Medicare doesn’t cover routine dental and vision services. Honestly, when a vision…
Please note that since our video and copy was first distributed, Serial Productions and the New York Times were honored with a Peabody…
Today’s video and associated copy is only relevant to those who are planning to go on Medicare Part B during a Special Enrollment Period.
We have previously written about the financial risk of being out-of-network for services. In sum, by definition, an out-of-network…
The Biden administration recently announced final regulations which limit the sale of short-term coverage…
Today’s video reports on a recent Arizona Supreme Court decision in which an 1864 law passed before Arizona was a state will prevail…
Today’s video addresses Advance Directives, a sobering but important topic. Advance Directives are typically thought of as a…
Prior authorization (or prior auth) is a practice used by insurers to make sure that patients requiring expensive treatments, procedures,…
Today’s video is a short celebration of generosity and humility. We are so pleased to share this information because it is such a happy,…
Today’s video is a short celebration of generosity and humility. We are so pleased to share this information because it is such a happy,…